Posted on: 05-Jun-2019
The modern bicycle’s predecessor called a Laufmaschine, or “Dandy Horse,” was a basic seat perched above two wheels to help a rider travel faster than walking and with reduced effort. The narrow seat, or saddle, allowed him to duplicate a walking or running motion without the physical exertion of supporting his entire weight (It was not, of course, considered lady-like to ride a Dandy Horse in 19th Century Europe). Present-day bicycles are highly-engineered tools designed for efficiency, comfort and style. Although many riders spend some time standing on a descent or difficult portion of a climb, they are still most often seated and looking for efficiency. As a result, the shape and size of the saddle is key to proper spinal alignment, body position and the rider’s relationship to the pedals affecting everything from power output, to safety, to comfort.
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